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Social Mood Converted Directly to Stock Market Points

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MarketMood - S&P 500 ($99.95/month): Daily reports on the S&P 500, delivered shortly after market close, providing an actionable 1-3 day trade signal. Includes intraday signal updates, and weekend & monthly reports previewing and forecasting the upcoming week and month.
MarketMood Plus - Gold, Oil & USD (Additional $29.95/month): Nightly reports providing high probability 1-5 day trade signals on Gold, Oil & the USD, with additional "higher probability" signals for Oil and USD. Includes a weekly report with current outlook on the next 3 weeks for crude, USD, and gold.
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How Do We Do It?

The themes of top internet search trends are scored and converted to 4 primary mood qualities: Vulnerable, Expansive, Manic, and Controlled. These 4 scores are input into the MarketMood model, which converts them into expected stock market movement in S&P 500 points as well as Gold, Oil & USD points.

Weekly and Monthly Too!

Weekly Internet search trends are converted to weekly expected market changes, three weeks later. Likewise, monthly trends are converted to expected market movement three months later.